Rise Of Flight - Keyboard Service Make a screenshot of the game PRNT SCRN Show/hide ESC menu ESCAPE Show/hide simple gauges RCONTROL+I Show/hide icons I Skip cut-scene SPACE Accelerate time in mission RBRACKET Decelerate time in mission LBRACKET Game pause on/off P Enables/disables flight recording LCONTROL+R Flight Map M Send chat messages to all ENTER Send chat messages to friendly RCONTROL+ENTER Show chat window C Flight Map transparency PageUp / PageDown Pilot head control Pilot head: zoom mouse_axis_Z Bow pilot head vertically mouse_axis_Y Turn pilot head horizontally mouse_axis_X Pilot head snap position: forward joy0_axis_P NUMPAD8 Pilot head snap position: snap forward-right joy0_pov0_45 NUMPAD9 Pilot head snap position: snap right joy0_pov0_90 NUMPAD6 Pilot head snap position: snap backward-right joy0_pov0_135 NUMPAD3 Pilot head snap position: snap backward joy0_pov0_180 NUMPAD2 Pilot head snap position: snap backward-left joy0_pov0_225 NUMPAD1 Pilot head snap position: snap left joy0_pov0_270 NUMPAD4 Pilot head snap position: snap forward-left joy0_pov0_315 NUMPAD7 Pilot head snap position modifier: upper snaps joy0_b6 NUMPAD0 Pilot head snap position modifier: lower snaps joy0_b7 NUMPADENTER Pilot head snap position modifier: additional snaps joy0_b10 DECIMAL Move pilot head forward RSHIFT+joy0_pov0_0 INSERT Move pilot head backward RSHIFT+joy0_pov0_180 HOME Move pilot head left RSHIFT+joy0_pov0_270 DELETE Move pilot head right RSHIFT+joy0_pov0_90 END Move pilot head up PRIOR Move pilot head down NEXT Pilot head: zoom in joy0_b5 ADD Pilot head: zoom out joy0_b4 SUBTRACT Pilot head: reset zoom MULTIPLY Pilot head snap position: center joy0_b1 NUMPAD5 Change pilot head control method: centered snap - fixed snap - additive snap - pan view F9 Save current corrections in head snap position F10 Turret, gunsight view: reset vertical view to gunsight LSHIFT+NUMPAD5 Turret, gunsight view: view vertical LSHIFT+mouse_axis_Y Turret, gunsight view: reset horizontal view to gunsight LSHIFT+NUMPAD5 Turret, gunsight view: view horizontal LSHIFT+mouse_axis_X Flight leader commands Flight leader command: hold this position and wait LCONTROL+5 Flight leader command: attack nearest air target LALT+1 Flight leader command: attack nearest ground target LALT+2 Flight leader command: stop actions and follow our mission LALT+3 Flight leader command: do like me (copy my actions) LALT+4 Flight leader command: flight formation column LCONTROL+1 Flight leader command: flight formation left edge LCONTROL+2 Flight leader command: flight formation right edge LCONTROL+3 Flight leader command: formation V LCONTROL+4 Flight leader command: hold formation and cover me LALT+5 Flight leader command: accept the leadership LALT+9 Flight leader command: patrol the area LALT+6 Flight leader command: patrol for air enemies LALT+7 Flight leader command: patrol for ground enemies LALT+8 Flight leader command: return to base LALT+0 Pilot gestures Pilot gesture: hand up LSHIFT+1 Pilot gesture: form left LSHIFT+2 Pilot gesture: form right LSHIFT+3 Pilot gesture: V-formation LSHIFT+4 Pilot gesture: OK! LSHIFT+5 Pilot gesture: attack! LSHIFT+6 Weapons controls Fire Red signal rocket F Fire Green signal rocket LSHIFT+F Fire Yellow signal rocket LCONTROL+F Fire White signal rocket LALT+F Fire all machineguns joy0_b0 SPACE Recharge all machineguns joy0_b2 R Fire 1st machinegun Recharge 1st machinegun COMMA Fire 2nd machinegun Recharge 2nd machinegun PERIOD Bomb sight V Bomb bay door open N Bomb bay door close LCONTROL+N Bomb bay door toggle RCONTROL+N Throw B joy0_b3 Drop all bombs LCONTROL+B Drop two bombs LSHIFT+B Switch to the next firing point in the current turret LSHIFT+C Turret: nestle to the gunsight LSHIFT+T Turret: take/leave control T Fire turret machineguns SPACE mouse_b0 Recharge turret machineguns R mouse_b2 Plane controls Switch to the next free plane combat post LCONTROL+C Autopilot on/off A Level Autopilot: autopilot for level flight LSHIFT+A Level Autopilot: left turn LSHIFT+Z Level Autopilot: right turn LSHIFT+X Cockpit light on/off L Navigation lights on/off RCONTROL+L Plane control: pitch joy0_axis_Y RSHIFT+mouse_axis_Y UP / DOWN Plane control: roll joy0_axis_X RSHIFT+mouse_axis_X LEFT / RIGHT Plane control: yaw X joy0_axis_T Z EngineBlipSwitch LSHIFT+E Swith common mode of engines control on/off 0 Switch engine 1 control on/off 1 Switch engine 2 control on/off 2 Switch engine 3 control on/off 3 Switch engine 4 control on/off 4 Engage engines start procedure / Stop engine E Engines Throttle Control joy0_axis_P Engines control: Altitude throttle RALT+MINUS / RALT+EQUALS Engines Mixture Control RSHIFT+MINUS / RSHIFT+EQUALS Engines Radiator Control RCONTROL+MINUS / RCONTROL+EQUALS Engage engine 1 start procedure / Stop engine RCONTROL+1 Engine 1 Throttle Control Engine 1 control: Altitude throttle Engine 1 Mixture Control Engine 1 Radiator Control Engage engine 2 start procedure / Stop engine RCONTROL+2 Engine Throttle 2 Control Engine 2 control: Altitude throttle Engine 2 Mixture Control Engine 2 Radiator Control Engage engine 3 start procedure / Stop engine RCONTROL+3 Engine Throttle 3 Control Engine 3 control: Altitude throttle Engine 3 Mixture Control Engine 3 Radiator Control Engage engine 4 start procedure / Stop engine RCONTROL+4 Engine Throttle 4 Control Engine 4 control: Altitude throttle Engine 4 ixture Control Engine 4 Radiator Control Camera controls Camera: track LCONTROL+F1 Camera: head-unlinked cockpit LALT+F1 Reset external free camera C Free camera - slow mode NUMPAD0 Reset camera NUMPAD5 Camera local rotation up/down LSHIFT+mouse_axis_Y Camera local rotation left/right LSHIFT+mouse_axis_X Rotate camera up/down mouse_axis_Y NUMPAD8 joy0_pov0_0 NUMPAD2 joy0_pov0_180 Rotate camera left/right mouse_axis_X NUMPAD4 joy0_pov0_270 NUMPAD6 joy0_pov0_90 Move free camera forward/backward S mouse_b1+mouse_axis_Y W Move free camera left/right A mouse_b1+mouse_axis_X D Move free camera up/down mouse_b1+mouse_axis_Z F / R Camera zoom mouse_axis_Z SUBTRACT / ADD Camera: player cockpit F1 Camera operator: enemy LCONTROL+F12 Camera operator: friendly F12 Camera padlock: friendly air units RSHIFT+F8 Camera padlock: enemy air units F8 Camera padlock: dangerous air units RCONTROL+F8 Camera padlock: friendly ground units RSHIFT+F7 Camera padlock: enemy ground units RCONTROL+F7 Camera: combat camera F4 External free camera at player plane F2 External free camera at friendly air units LSHIFT+F2 External free camera at enemy air units LCONTROL+F2 External free camera at ground units F5 External free camera at friendly ground units LSHIFT+F5 External free camera at enemy ground units LCONTROL+F5 External free camera at bombs F6 External free camera at friendly bombs LSHIFT+F6 External free camera at enemy bombs LCONTROL+F6 Camera: flyby F3 Camera: free F11